Bridge Lantagne
Director of Business Operations

Bridge is a Director of Business Operations who is able to focus on the nuts and bolts of efficient workflows while also remaining collaborative and open to inspiration. They work with clients to handle logistics to create innovative programs that are easeful and fun. Bridge's broad professional experience across industries, including Quality Assurance in Manufacturing, informs their understanding of the challenges and opportunities clients face.   

Connect with Bridge

What does it mean to be bolder?

Being Bolder is about growing your self trust so that the energy you might put into second guessing yourself gets put into decisive action. 

What makes you bold?

Trying new things all the time and being ok with not being "good" at something before I jump in allows me to get comfortable with the uncomfortable. I am perpetually trying new hobbies and crafts and signing up for classes. 

What’s your favorite word and why?

"Why" is my favorite word! I was definitely that kid that would ask why for hours at a time and I am still led by my curiosity. 

What skills do you bring to The Bolder Company?

I am someone who is able to attend a brainstorming session when folks are throwing out ideas and sharing inspiration and come away with the punch list to get those lofty goals achieved. My curiosity, listening, attention to detail, clear communication and systems thinking all support the operations of the Bolder Company and our clients.

What’s your customer experience super-power?

I think I am able to listen to what someone wants and needs, and help them achieve it, without projecting my own opinions or desires into the dynamic. 

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