Jakob Franzen

Jakob coaches leaders to find their way out of ambiguity, uncertainty, and overwhelm, and step into confident, authentic decisiveness. The leaders most responsive to change run organizations that thrive.

Connect with Jakob

What does it mean to be bolder?

Living bolder means living life out loud. Don’t check any part of you at the door.


What makes you bold?

I’m bold by accepting my strengths and weaknesses as a single package and sharing it authentically with those around me.


What’s your favorite word and why?

I love the word genuine. There is nothing more beautiful than experiencing someone truly as they are.

What skills do you bring to The Bolder Company?

I love infusing behavioral science into everything I do, from powerful questions to holding a vision. I like to dive deep and connect quickly with a client so that we get to work on the core issues right away, and the value they experience is immediate. I understand the foundation of mindfulness, the utility of resilience, and the transformative power of accepting your indescribable self.


What’s your customer experience super-power?

Customer experience develops from within the context of the client’s expectations. My super-power is aligning those expectations and creating clarity around the knowledge they are about to uncover.

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